Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CElementLocatorAttributeDefines default HtmlElement locator which is used whenever specific element type added to page object without FindsByAttribute
 CHtmlCheckBoxModels HTML input with checkbox or radio button type
 CHtmlControlModels HTML select, input or text area elements
 CHtmlElementModels HTML DOM element providing access to common attributes and properties
 CHtmlFormModels form DOM element
 CHtmlFrameModels iframe DOM element and provides and exposes it's attributes as properties
 CHtmlImageModels image DOM element and provides most commonly used image attributes
 CHtmlInputModels HTML input element of any type and exposes it's attributes as properties
 CHtmlLabelModels label DOM element and exposes it's specific attributes as properties
 CHtmlLinkModels HTML link element and exposes it's attributes as properties
 CHtmlPageModels a wed page loaded in browser and exposes some useful methods and properties
 CHtmlSelectModels HTML select element and provides access to it's options
 CHtmlSelectOptionModels options within HTML select element
 CHtmlTableModels table DOM element and provides access to individual rows and columns
 CHtmlTextAreaModels text area control and exposes it's attributes
 CIHtmlElementWeb element which is wrapping some IWebDriver instance and IWebElement instance and can execute JavaScript
 CCommandBuilderCrates repeatable command being evaluated until command condition became true
 CILoaderRepresents contract used for creating/caching objects lazily
 CILoaderFactoryCreates loaders for web elements and element lists
 CLoaderFactoryCreates caching loaders for WebElements and list of WebElements
 CByJavaScriptUse JavaScript code to locate WebElement
 CByJqueryUse jQuery to locate element or list of elements
 CIProxyFactoryCreates instances implementing IWebElement or IList<T> interfaces and wrapping corresponding element loaders
 CProxyFactoryDefault proxy factory using hand-crafted proxies
 CAbstractPageObjectFactoryImplements IPageObjectFactory contract and delegates responsibility for creating actual page object and initializing it's members to subclasses. It class takes care of locating suitable for initialization members and assigning value to it. It looks for all instance fields and properties which are web elements or web element lists and have not been assigned value yet. Both fields and properties can be private protected or public, but in order to be initialized fields should not be marked readonlyand properties should have setters
 CElementGroupNamed group of related WebElements
 CElementGroupAttributeAllows to mark a page object field or property as part of named group
 CFrameContextOverrideAllows temporary switching web driver context to frame and switch it back to default context once get disposed
 CImplicitWaitOverrideAllow to declare block of code in which implicit WebDriver wait will be overridden with provided value and restored after it
 CIPageObjectFactoryCreates and recursively initializes page object instances
 CPageObjectFactoryDefault page object implementation creating lazy loading proxies for every web element or list of web elements. It can't handle multiple FindsByAttribute attributes as well as FindsBySequenceAttribute and FindsByAllAttribute
 CWebDriverWrapperRepresents object wrapping web driver. Provides methods for executing JavaScript and retrieving wrapped driver instance